Monday, December 6, 2010

Being Pro-Active is Metro Manila's Traffic Solution

What is pro-ac·tive? Be definition it means acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty or tending to initiate change rather than reacting to events. This is the attitude that the MMDA (Metropolitan Manila Development Authority) and PNP(Philippine National Police) should have.

I was curious of the word when Lila Delima said in an interview that the police should be pro-active. And after seeing every possible definition, I said to myself, our traffic officials are not pro-active. If you drive in metro manila, you would know what i mean. 

Metro Manila have lots of uneducated, unlicensed and reckless drivers. But does the MMDA and PNP do anything about it? I'll give you scenarios and let us see. 

Pedicab/tricycle counterflowed
Pedicab/tricycle  beats a red light
Pedicab/tricycle swerves in front of you
Public jeepneys and buses beats a red light
Public jeepneys and buses stops in the middle of the road
Public jeepneys and buses swerves from left side to right side of a 4 lane road

You see these things happen while the MMDA and PNP is around. Yet they do nothing. but if a private vehicle does these violations, things would be different. MMDA and PNP are bias to private vehicles. Either they are scared of these violators in the public sector or they are being paid. Either way this is the main causes of traffic jams in Metro Manila. 

This is where pro-active should be practiced. If MMDA and PNP are pro-active and enforce the law and traffic rules to all drivers and vehicles, no matter how small, big, poor, rich, powerful they are, traffic would be smoother in metro manila. Is this too much ask?

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