Sunday, December 27, 2009

Real Life Wedding: Bryan and Rina

Church: Calaruega
Reception Venue: Sonya's Garden
Photographer: John Mateos Ong
Videographer: Threelogy Video
Coordinator: Teena Baretto

Arnold Stang, Sherlock Holmes

Arnold Stang died last week at age 91. He played one of the gas station owners in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, was the voice of Top Cat, and played a heroin addict called Sparrow in the 1955 film, The Man With The Golden Arm.

It's interesting to see comic actors in grimly serious roles. But I don't know if it always works.

Margaret Mitchell wanted Groucho Marx to play Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind (I assume she was serious) and Benito Mussolini tried to his two favories American stars, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, to star in a production of Rigoletto.

Sherlock Holmes

And speaking of odd casting choices, Sherlock Holmes fans are upset over the choice of Robert Downey, Jr, in the title role. And the boxing. I don't think he should have been boxing---it turns out he claimed to be an amateur boxer in at least one book. But they were showing a bunch of the old Sherlock Holmes movies on TV yesterday, and they were pretty bad. All filmed in a studio. They should have gotten out onto the street once in a while.

I haven't read any of the books. I don't know what the "real" Sherlock Holmes was like, which probably doesn't matter. Johnny Weissmuller was nothing like the Tarzan of the books, and Ian Flemming wanted David Niven to play James Bond. I heard that, in the book, Forrest Gump was morbidly obese.

The Sherlock Holmes movies with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce were set in what was then the present day, with Sherlock Holmes fighting Nazis and so forth. Every scene was shot in a studio, so I don't know what stopped them from setting it in Victorian England.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

From Our Family to Yours

Jaden Smith As The New Karate Kid | Video

Check out this remake of the Karate Kid classic. This movie stars Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan. It's a new twist on an old idea and this one seems to work. Surprisingly, this trailer looks interesting. Will Smith's son, Jaden, just might be on his way to being a big movie star!

Jackie Chan in the Mr. Miyaki role works like a charm! The movie is scheduled to open in the summer of 2010. Check out the trailer, below:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is Rachel Uchitel Pregnant with Tiger Woods Baby?

One of Tiger Woods’ 10 alleged mistresses, Rachel Uchitel, is rumored to be pregnant with the golfer’s child. Uchitel lashed out at the rumors, telling the reports are not true.

“I am not pregnant!” she says.

Uchitel’s lawyer Gloria Allred also denies the reports. “Rachel is not pregnant. Rumors to the contrary are false,” Allred adds.

Meanwhile, Woods’ wife Elin Nordegren has reportedly issued an ultimatum – go to rehab or get a divorce. The model is said to have forced Woods in to agreeing to enter rehab for sex addiction.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Different Kind of Wrap Around

The Philippines is known as a Catholic country thus a lot of people are still conservative. In fact, a lot of churches still don't allow their brides to show skin on their wedding day. A perfect example is Manila Cathedral where brides are asked to wear bolero jackets or other kinds of cover up just to not show their shoulders or back which can be limiting fashion wise. Here is what designer Glenn Canlas from Pampanga designed to go around this dilema: a shawl made from crystals! It serves its purpose and it is still stylish and elegant to boot! Here is how it looked like on bride Kim.

Very creative!

Remembering Brittany Murphy

A look back at the life and accomplishments of actress Brittany Murphy who died suddenly, Sunday, December 20, 2009, of cardiac arrest. She was 32-years-old. Her mother found her unconscious in the shower and alerted Brittany's husband. A 911 call was made and Murphy was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Hospital where she was pronounced DOA.

Monjack [Brittany Murphy's husband] told the investigator during the 7 to 10 days prior to her death, Brittany complained of shortness of breath and severe abdominal pains but he was not overly alarmed because "she often suffered from severe menstrual pains."

The investigator spoke with police at the scene, who told him "foul play is not suspected."

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hollywood Inspired Wedding Invitation

Planning a Hollywood themed wedding and you want your invitations to reflect it? Here is a perfect example of a Hollywood themed wedding invitation from Rhyan and Jonah.

Thanks to Jonah for sharing! I love it!

Weddings and Flowers

What's a wedding without flowers? Flowers are instant brightener in this beautiful affair. No need for additional frills, just add flowers to your venue and that will do the trick! Here are some beautiful photos of flowers in weddings. You'll see what I am talking about.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

James Cameron, Avatar, and the toll in human life

I keep feeling guilty about what I write.

A while back I sat here and attacked poor James Cameron, just because of the fawning profile of him on 60 Minutes. For years, I've felt hostile to any subject of a fawning profile on 60 Minutes, ever since Mike Wallace's fawning profile of that monster, Leona Helmsley. Leona was able to get Wallace on her side by bringing up her dead son. Wallace's son had died years earlier, so he was symathetic to anyone with a dead son. Good thing he didn't interview Saddam Hussein blubbing over Uday and Qusay.

No one had the bad taste to mention that Leona Helmsley's dead son was a crook. He stayed out of prison by having enough sense to steal only from his stepfather. And as it happens, Mike Wallace's surviving son is scumbag Chris Wallace on Fox News. Chris Wallace made a name for himself on some network news magazine with an attack on federal funds for special education. Wallace targeted Black parents in the South, ambushed them with cameras and claimed the fact that they couldn't or wouldn't instantly explain why their children needed special education was proof that they were defrauding Uncle Sam. Republicans in Congress used the report to cut funding. I don't know what Mike Wallace's dead son was like, but if he was anything like his brother, good riddance to him.

But poor James Cameron---all he wants to do is entertain! Some people didn't like that he said that he was "king of the world" when he got his Oscar, but he didn't mean that he was literally king of the world. He just meant he was terribly pleased. He did get poor Sigourney Weaver an Oscar for Aliens. And he deserves some credit for being Canadian, although he should do more for his people.

I've never seen Titanic, but apparently it had a scene of Leonardo di Caprio standing at the front of a ship flapping his arms shouting that he is king of the world. This scene had tragic consequences. Cruise ship operators have had to stop passengers from trying to do the same thing. I don't know off hand if there are proven cases of people falling overboard and disappearing while trying this, but there are reports of it. James Cameron's success has come at a cost in human life.

There was the 1993 movie, The Program, which showed football player proving their courage by lying on the double yellow line on a busy street. This stunt didn't work in real life. Two people were killed when they tried to do the same thing, and more were injured.

People murder each other all the time, so it's hard to tell to what degree violent movies cause violent crime. But with The Program and Titanic, the cause and effect relationship is very clear. Nobody anywhere ever tested their courage by lying in the street before The Program, and nobody climbed out on the bow of a cruise ship yelling that they were king of the world before Titanic.

And, yes, I know, the people who did this behaved rather unwisely. But if you make a movie costing over a hundred million dollars like Titanic did, you obviously expect a vast number of people to see it. If a tiny fraction of one percent of your audience was dumb enough to try it, that would still be thousands of people.

And, if you're going to say that the people in real life who climb out on the prow of a ship are idiots whose deaths are their own fault, weren't the characters in the movie idiots, too? Should James Cameron be admired for making a movie about a couple of abject morons?

By the way, does anyone know what the death toll was from Natural Born Killers? How about The Matrix?

Many years ago, The Weekly World News reported that the movie The Deerhunter had killed more people that the Hindenburg disaster. The number of Russian Roulette fatalities has no doubt risen since then.

You do need to be careful about these things.

In Oregon, two morons wanted to be like the main characters in a movie they saw. So they murdered a couple of a beach and fled to Mexico.

The "characters" they wanted to be like were Dick Hickock and Perry Smith in In Cold Blood.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Demi's house

I dont know if you've seen Demi's house. She lives in Toluca Lake, best known as the disney neighborhood cuz Miley, Ashely Tisdale, Hilary Duff and the Jonas Brothers live there!
actually the jonas brothers moved a couple streets from Miley's house.

Demi's house

I dont know if you've seen Demi's house. She lives in Toluca Lake, best known as the disney neighborhood cuz Miley, Ashely Tisdale, Hilary Duff and the Jonas Brothers live there!
actually the jonas brothers moved a couple streets from Miley's house.